Assignment #3 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Q1. Do you procrastinate sometimes?

A: Yes, I do. I procrastinate often.
Q2. What are some of the things you procrastinate on?

A:I always procrastinate on my homework,  personal reports, team reportshousework etc.

Q3. What are some reasons for procrastination?

A: Actually I don't know why I always procrastinate. I think the mean reason are I always want to take a rest, i am too lazy to do anythings and  I want to go out  and play every day.

Q4. What are some strategies you can use to combat your procrastination?

A: Usually as soon as the deadline comes, my procrastination will be over.At that time, I became very nervous and became more productive, which I said was not a good thing, but I've developed this habit without realizing it.


